Top 9 Best BMX Bars of 2024 | Expert Reviews and Buying Guide

I’m surprised it’s taken this long to write about the Best BMX Bars on the market. We seem to have got through a lot of different parts from Stems to Wheels and Spokes but I haven’t even mentioned what bars you should be looking at. The subject of BMX bars is slightly weird in that its a pivotal part of the bike that should be thought about deeply before buying but in reality there isn’t a large amount of variety from one to another.

Having said that, over the years there have been various styles come and go, just like any other BMX part. There have been larger and smaller bars, four-piece and two-piece have gone through.

Our top choices

Our Choice

our choice

lumberjack bike bars

Odyssey Lumberjack XXL

We chose the Lumberjack bar because it’s so big, simple and a great option for so many types of rider. It’s a great beginners bar that also stands up to some tremendous abuse.


cheapest choice

BSD Zingbar Handlebars

The Zingbars are from one of the top brands but is the cheapes in this list by a fair few pennies. The quality definitely doesn’t seem lesser than the others.Check Price

Upgrade Pick

upgrade pick

Federal Drop V2 4-pc Bars

Four piece bars aren’t for everyone. These bars are very popular with street riders and will be a great upgrade for those beginners that are learning some good skills while getting into street riding.Check Price

BSD Zingbars Oversized 2024


BSD zingbars BMX

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Liam Zingbergs is a great up and coming rider from Adelaide. A very stylish rider that tears up on the streets. After seeing him ride, it’s no surprise that he’s on the pro team of BSD with his own line of signature parts.

‘Zingbars’ is a great name for a signature product. It’s not often riders have such a great wordplay between their name and the name of the product.

If you’re riding a significant amount of BMX park and street these bars will be great for you. Street riding is tricky and technical. Riders need to be able to hop, spin and grind easily without a preferable run-up. Taller bars with a fairly upright posture will be good for people that need a fast, responsive bike without the need for masses of speed.

The lightest BMX bars in this post, the BSD zingbars are a similar weight to the lumberjack bars but they’re almost a pound lighter than some other products in this list.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the BSD Zingbars

  • Signature product from a pro rider
  • Ideal for BMX park and street riding
  • Enables easy hops, spins, and grinds
  • Promotes a fast, responsive biking experience
  • Might not cater to riders seeking speed.
  • Oversized may not be suitable for all riders.
  • Assumes rider wants an upright posture.
Bicycle Handlebars
oversized zingbars 2024

Specifications of the BSD Zingbars:

  • Bar Type: 2pc
  • Width: 29”
  • Upsweep: 2°
  • Backsweep: 11°
  • Clamping Diameter: 25.4mm
  • Weight: 1.7lbs

BSD BMX – Liam Zingbergs – Daze Off

Federal Drop V2 4PC Bars

Our Pick for BMX Street

bmx pro bars

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Seventies Distribution launched Federal BMX back in the year 2000. Launched out of Hastings in the UK, 2000 was a great year to launch a new bike brand in the United Kingdom. BMX had grasped a firm grip around riders throughout the world, bikes we’re starting to evolve into high-quality pieces of equipment.

Seventies Distribution we’re the perfect group to make a new BMX brand out of the UK.

The turn of the century was also the time of the internet revolution. The amount of added eyes the internet gave companies like Federal was brilliant for their notoriety.

For nearly their whole life, Federal has been perfecting the BMX bars. The angles, height, width and arm position have all been meticulously researched and perfected for their latest bars. As well as the brilliant design and geometry, I think the sleek yet understated design of these bars are brilliant. There are no garish stickers, Federal has simply embossed a small logo to the cross-section of the bars.

4 piece and 2 piece BMX bars have barely any differences. I don’t know if you could even count it as a difference but four-piece handlebars are sometimes slightly heavier, simply due to the added material needed to attach the bottom crossbar.

Since their first iteration, the drop bars have had various changes. The version two features butted tubing to shave off weight on the extra piece of metal. The bars angles have also been carefully updated. Knowing the type of riders that buy and ride your products is very important for a BMX brand. Updating products would be pointless if the new features aren’t beneficial for their target riders. Federal has done great research on their customers and has updated the bars accordingly. I believe their target has changed between the first and second bar versions.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Federal Drop V2

  • Trustworthy brand
  • High-quality design and geometry
  • Sleek, understated aesthetic without garish stickers
  • Use of butted tubing to reduce weight
  • Might be slightly heavier due to 4-piece design
  • Embossed logo may not be as visible as a sticker
federal drop bars
best 4pc bike bars

Federal Drop Specifications:

  • Bar Type: 4pc
  • Width: 29.5”
  • Upsweep: 3°
  • Backsweep: 11.5°
  • Clamping Diameter: 22.2mm
  • Weight: 2.4bs

Odyssey Lumberjack XXL BMX Bars 2024

strongest bmx bars

Odyssey is one of the biggest and best bike part manufacturers that don’t make full bikes. With the number of parts, they’ve designed and manufactured they wouldn’t be far off being able to build a full bike out of their parts alone.

If you’ve read any of our other Top 10 lists you’ll have probably come across a few of their products, I find myself writing the word ‘Odyssey’ more and more.

The large defining historical event for Odyssey was the creation of the Gyro Detangler. The company invented the gyro and so are the only company with the rights to use that name to describe their products.

Another of the significant product breakthroughs they’ve had is the Elementary Stem. The product earned the company a design distinction award from ID magazine in 2005. This stem evolved the regular design feature of having 6 bolts. Instead of the usual 6 Odyssey only used one expansion bolt that goes straight down the steerer tube of the fork.

The Lumberjack bars are a response to the Slam bar. Classic, large bar geometry has been used with a lower rise of 8.25”. The curves of the Lumberjack bars are curved in a larger radius than normal. It’s very subtle but this small difference helps increase the strength of the bars. If tubular metal like this is bent in a sharper way the curved areas will have a much weaker point than the rest of the bars.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Odyssey Lumberjack

  • Comes from a reputable manufacturer.
  • Historical innovation with the Gyro Detangler.
  • Award-winning product design with the Elementary Stem.
  • Bars designed with classic, large geometry.
  • Larger radius curves for increased strength.
  • Might not be suitable for those wanting high-rise bars.
  • Some may prefer traditional bar designs.
  • Strong focus on strength may sacrifice other attributes.
  • Changes in curvature might not appeal to all riders.
Odyssey Lumberjack XXL Bars
odyssey best bmx bars

Specifications of the Odyssey Lumberjack:

  • Bar Type: 2pc
  • Width: 30”
  • Upsweep: 2°
  • Backsweep: 11°
  • Clamping Diameter: 22.2mm
  • Weight: 1.7lbs

BMX / Stampy R&D – Handlebars

Cult AK BMX Bars

cult ak bmx bars

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Cult is a great old time BMX brand and has been creating great BMX bikes and parts for many years. Cult is unlike many brands in that they make a vast amount of products. There are currently 8 different BMX bars being sold by Cult alone. BMX bars aren’t the only thing Cult has dedicated a lot of time designing. Many other bike parts have many variations.

The Cult AK bars are a very generic pair of bars that can be used effectively by almost all types of riders. Alex Kennedy, a great park rider from the UK, had a significant role in the design of these bars. It’s not the most ingenious name but Alex’s signature series is simply named the AK range. This features his 4130 Chromoly frame, signature grips, tripod seat and these great bars.

You probably won’t recognise Kennedy from many competitions as he is reportedly isn’t fond of them. Though this is true, he’s had top 10 finishes in X Games 2012 and 13. If you would like to see more of Kennedy’s street riding, he’s featured in some high-value Cult videos where he boasts his very wide variety of tricks.

AK Bars have been developed in four different spec variations, ranging from 9” to 10” and from a respectable 1.89lbs to 1.98lbs. The bars’ upsweep, backsweep and width have stayed the same between variations.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Cult AK Bars

  • Designed with input from pro rider Alex Kennedy.
  • Suitable for a wide variety of riders.
  • Offers four spec variations for rider preferences.
  • Consistent upsweep, backsweep, and width across variations.
  • Might be too generic for specialized riders.
  • Only two height variations (9″ to 10″).
  • Weight range may not cater to those wanting ultra-light bars.
best 4 piece bmx bars
cult handlebars

Cult AK Bar Specifications:

  • Bar Type: 2pc
  • Width: 30”
  • Upsweep: 2°
  • Backsweep: 12°
  • Clamping Diameter: 22.2mm
  • Weight: 1.98lbs

12 Coolest BMX Stems 2024

View our list of the best top load and front load BMX stems.


Shadow Vultus SG Bicycle Handlebars

shadow conspiracy bars

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The Shadow Conspiracy Vultus bars are some of the most popular BMX bike bars in the world. They come in two versions, the Featherweight and the SG. The special Lightweight 13B tubing profile is used for the Featherweight version.

The design of the BMX bar is inherently fairly simple, granted there’s a good design change between 2pc and 4pc bars but within each of these categories, there’s never much change.

Shadow is a successful company. They spend a lot of time and money researching and developing even small ways to increase the performance of their bike parts. The Vultus gets its reputation for being super strong thanks to changes in thickness over different parts of the bars.

Stress testing bike bars have shown the areas of the handlebar that undergo the most stress when riding. It may seem obvious that the high-stress areas are those near the joins and the curves but knowing exactly where highest stress areas are located is very helpful to Shadow, they can easily increase the thickness of their bars at these specific sections while keeping the rest of the handlebar the same thickness.

The SG version stands for ‘Street Guage’ due to the square tubing that is used during construction. It goes without saying that this version is perfect for BMX street riders that want a new set of bars.

From my experience and research, it seems most people agree that there are only two bad things about this product, neither of which are huge deal breakers. The first problem is the paint chipping. Some people find that the paint isn’t the most durable and can start to chip before you would expect it too.

The second complaint riders have is the price of these forks. While the quality is tremendous and I haven’t read a single report of them bending or breaking, these forks are definitely for those that are looking to get serious about biking. I wouldn’t buy these if I was a beginner, customizing my first bike and still trying to figure out if I loved this sport.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Shadow Vultus Bars

  • Popular and trusted BMX bar worldwide.
  • Strategic design changes based on stress test results.
  • Tailored strength through varying thickness.
  • ‘Street Gauge’ (SG) version ideal for street BMX riders.
  • Reputation for high strength and durability.
  • Paint is prone to chipping.
  • Higher price point may not suit beginners.
  • Lacks significant design variations within categories.
  • Primarily geared towards serious bikers.
  • Potential need for regular cosmetic upkeep due to paint issue.
2 piece bmx bars
lightweight bmx bars

Specifications of the Shadow Vultus:

  • Bar Type: 2pc
  • Width: 29”
  • Upsweep: 3°
  • Backsweep: 12°
  • Clamping Diameter: 22.2mm
  • Weight: 1.9bs

Shadow Vultus Bars Review

Fiend Reynolds BMX Bike Handlebars 2024

fiend reynolds bike bars

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Garrett Reynolds has been a very successful BMX rider for many years. From the early age of 16, Reynolds has been making a dent in the BMX world. It’s no surprise that Garrett was gaining a reputation. He’d already been a professional rider for 3 years.

Taz Tour, Dew Tour and X Games medals must’ve littered the young riders wall. Over the next several years. Once Garrett reached 18 he was competing in all the internationally acclaimed BMX park and street competitions all over the world. It’s not surprising that he has been dominating these competitions ever since.

Fiend is great for more than just their high-quality BMX parts. The characteristics and message of the brand are very commendable. For once there is a company that isn’t all about profits and dominating the market. Ever since the creation of Fiend, Garrett has concentrated on riding with friends, winning competitions and making great BMX parts.

It’s only right that the owner of Fiend BMX and one of the best street riders in the world have their own signature series at their own BMX brand. You don’t see too many top BMX riders starting their own wildly successful BMX brands these days. I think Garrett Reynolds has done a smashing job with this company.

The Fiend Reynolds bars aren’t anything crazy different to 90% of the other bars on the market. Fiend pre-cut these bars to be quite short. Down to just 28”. This is Garretts’ personal preference and so the company cut the bars before sale. The 9” rise, 12° backsweep and 1° of upsweep is different to a lot of other bars. You’ll see from reading through this list that most bars have at least 2 or 3 degrees of upsweep but the Reynolds bars have just 1! The ends of the bars are near enough at a right angle to the rest of the product.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Fiend Reynolds Handlebars

  • Backed by renowned BMX rider, Garrett Reynolds.
  • Represents a brand with genuine commitment and values.
  • Unique specification with 1° of upsweep.
  • Precut to 28″ reflecting Garrett’s preference.
  • Distinctive 9” rise and 12° backsweep configuration.
  • Similar to 90% of other bars in design.
  • Predetermined short length might not suit everyone.
  • Less upsweep compared to most bars on the market.
  • Bars might be too specialized for broader audience.
  • Limited customization options given the precut design.
garrett reynolds bars
signature reynolds bars

Specifications – Fiend Reynolds Bars:

  • Bar Type: 2pc
  • Width: 28.25”
  • Upsweep: 1°
  • Backsweep: 12°
  • Clamping Diameter: 22.2mm
  • Weight: 1.71lbs

Garrett Reynolds signature fiend bars explained and review

United Supreme BMX Bar 2024

United supreme bmx bars

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United is another BMX brand created in the UK during the early 2000s. Hastings, UK was the birthplace for the brand and it didn’t take long before the brand was turning out some of the finest BMX parts the world over.

Ian Morris founded the brand intending to develop high-quality parts through thorough research without becoming a brand that centres itself around money-making and profit.

United have done a great job at recruiting riders for their pro team throughout the years. Their product line includes signatures from Corey Martinez (Martinez Pro), Kye & Leo Forte who helped with the KL40 Pro and Geoff Slattery’s ‘G-Slat’.

The Supreme bars are a non-heat-treated and are perfect for the average/intermediate rider. You’ll be able to comfortably drop several feet and perform a wide variety of complicated tricks without any worries.

If you’re looking to ride anything more advanced or harder then you might want to look into some higher quality bars. Supreme bike bars have thicker tubing which will help, but the lack of heat treating knocks the standard back down.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the United Supreme

  • Founded with a focus on quality over profits.
  • Backed by a reputable UK brand.
  • Collaborations with renowned riders for product design.
  • Suitable for average to intermediate riders.
  • Thicker tubing for added strength.
  • Not heat-treated, which could impact durability.
  • Might not be suitable for advanced BMX stunts.
  • Thicker tubing could increase weight.
  • Not ideal for professional or hardcore riders.
  • Might not be as resilient as other premium bars.
supreme bars for bmx bike
best bmx bars for street

Specifications United Supreme:

  • Bar Type: 2pc
  • Width: 30”
  • Upsweep: 1°
  • Backsweep: 12°
  • Clamping Diameter: 25.4mm
  • Weight: 2.38lbs

BSD Grime Bicycle Handlebar

bsd grime park bars

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The BSD Grime bike bars are some of the only 4 piece bars I have included on this list. I prefer two-piece bars but many people have different opinions. That’s about as far as the differences go.

Granted there are regular arguments between riders thinking the extra welds make the bars weaker since there are only the welds that keep the bars together. On the other hand, there is an argument to be made that the two-piece, curved bars are the inferior type since curved tubing will start to lose its strength if it’s bent too far.

The Grime bars are Denim Cox’s signature bars. Cox is a great street rider, who travels the world making some great BMX content for BSD. Denim himself tells the story as a random conversation he had with a BSD employee he was on a biking trip with.

Denim was riding in Thailand, testing some prototype four-piece bars given to him by BSD. When it was noticed how much he enjoyed riding these bars the company decided to develop on the design and create his first signature part.

It wasn’t only Denim’s first foray into the world of 4-pc BMX bar design. This was BSD’s first set of four-piece bars, made available in two height options, 9” & 9.5”. The Grime bars are perfect for street riding, four-piece bars generally are. The smaller backsweep and upsweep give the rider greater leverage when performing intricate tricks on less than favourable obstacles.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the BSD Grime

  • Unique four-piece design.
  • Denim Cox’s signature endorsement.
  • Available in two height options.
  • Ideal for street riding.
  • Enhanced leverage for tricks.
  • Potential concerns over weld strength.
  • Two-piece vs. four-piece design debates.
  • Curved tubing strength concerns.
best bmx bars for park

Specifications BSD Grime Handlebars:

  • Bar Type: 4pc
  • Width: 29”
  • Upsweep: 2°
  • Backsweep: 11°
  • Clamping Diameter: 22.2mm
  • Weight: 1.8lbs

DENIM COX Grime Frame Bike Check | BSD BMX

DK Sigma Bars (Drew Bezanson)

dk sigma bike bars

DK is a bike brand I haven’t had masses of experience with. The shoes are brilliant and I know from other people that the bike parts are also of great quality.

I decided to add the DK Sigma to the end of this list simply due to its signature designer, Drew Bezanson. Drew is easily one of the best BMX park riders in the world. If you haven’t seen his videos you’re seriously missing out.

Over recent years Bezanson, with the help of Red Bull has been venturing into the world of dirt jump riding. In his first season of the FMB world tour he placed very respectably.

Drew is sponsored by DK bikes so it’s no surprise that he has a signature series with them while also riding their parts. Having said this, I still think these parts must be brilliant for one of the best riders on the planet.

Be careful when buying these bars if you don’t like a tall bike. DK have attached an 8.625” rise to these handlebars. In some ways, this high rise coupled with the width of 28.5” will improve your hopping and control ability but you may have an issue with the height if you’re a smaller rider. Spinning your bars during a barspin can also give your problems if you don’t cut your bars down.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the DK Sigma

  • Signature design by Drew Bezanson.
  • Associated with a renowned brand, DK.
  • 8.625” rise for better control.
  • Quality assurance from pro BMX rider.
  • Suitable for diverse riding styles.
  • Potential height issues for shorter riders.
  • Bars might require cutting for some tricks.
  • Limited firsthand experience with brand.
  • Specific to riders preferring tall bikes.

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