About Tresna

Our History, Vision, Authors and Future

Tresna, your comprehensive guide to the BMX and mountain biking world, was founded in 2012 by Michael Scott. Our mission is to make BMX and mountain biking more accessible and easier to understand. Over the years, we have provided valuable insights and guidance to people who need help with their bikes or their riding skills. We believe in the power of biking to change lives, and we’re here to make sure that everyone has access to this wonderful sport.

We offer a range of services including in-depth blog posts, informative tutorials, biking-focused clothing, and a regular newsletter. All of these are designed to help people learn more about the fascinating world of BMX and mountain biking. Our experience comes from years of riding bikes all over the world, which allows us to provide hands-on experience and guidance to our readers.

Originally starting as a clothing company, we have evolved over the years into the Tresna BMX brand. This evolution has given us a unique perspective and deep insights into the BMX and mountain biking industry, setting us apart from our competitors.

Reach Out to Us

We love to hear from our community! For any inquiries or support, reach us at the following:


2 Manor Drive,
YO18 8DD





You can also connect with us on our social media profiles for updates, news, and a glimpse into the world of BMX and mountain biking.

Join us in our journey to make BMX and mountain biking more accessible and enjoyable for everyone!

Our Authors

To help with all the content that needs publishing throughout the Tresna website, we have help from a couple of authors. Our authors have different amounts of experience with many different types of bikes. Each person has been chosen to write interesting, helpful content about their specific discipline. Take a look at our authors below.

Picture of Micheal Scott

Micheal Scott

Michael is a 25 year old BMX and dirt jump rider from York, England. He's the founder of the company and has been riding BMX bikes for over a decade.

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