I’ve been in the world of BMX websites for a while now. In that time I have read through my fair share of BMX articles, websites and blogs. As with every niche, the quality of these websites varies drastically.
Personally, I love finding articles or forum threads that list the places I can find really valuable information about one of my hobbies. For that reason, I’m going to try and make this page a hub for the best places to source your BMX content and news regularly. That means you’ll see subreddits, forum threads, articles and blogs within this list. Hopefully, you’ll be able to find something you’re into.
You won’t see any YouTube channels on this list as there are so many I decided to dedicate them to their list. You can find that here.
As the years progress there are becoming more and more ways to keep up with your hobbies. BMX has a relatively active online society in various environments and so we’ve tried to include all of the best resources in this post. Please see the colour coded categories below.
BMX Union / The Union

BMXUnion was one of the earliest websites still dominating the space today. Started back in 2007 by Kurt Hohberger for a slightly surprising reason.
It turns out that one of the most popular BMX blogs today was started as a long mass communications project on how blogging can reach a wide audience. Starting a website or business for a school or college project is very unlikely to result in a successful venture. Kurt has managed to become one of the few to make it work. After the project finished he carried on with the site.
Magazines were still extremely popular back in 2007 and using the internet wasn’t yet the most popular way to catch up with the news of your favourite hobby. I’m saying this because, back then, many BMX companies opted for the magazine route as well or instead of a website. The Union was different and after the initial success, Kurt decided to concentrate on improving the website on its own.
Below you will see two images. On the left is one of the original designs of BMX Union’s website. This first image is from May of 2009.
On the right-hand side, you’ll see an image of the site from 2023. Surprisingly the site hasn’t changed massively since its inception. It’s uncommon for websites to keep a similar site design but this website shows it’s not essential to create a successful site.

After 4 years the company went through some changes, reinventing themselves into ‘The Union’ when the website became Kurt’s full-time project. Since then the website has been updated multiple times a day with original interviews, product reviews, videos, photos and more.
If you like being able to go to a website and see new information every time then bmxunion.com is one to check out. I doubt this will be the first time you’ve heard of them though.
Digbmx Bike Magazine

Dig BMX was started way earlier than many current brands and websites. Originally started in 1993 by Will Smyth as a reaction to the rising popularity of European and American BMX media brands, Dig was a bi-monthly magazine, servicing the reading needs of British and American riders. Unlike many companies in BMX, Smyth was based out of Belfast, Northern Ireland. After the company was expanded and gained some notoriety, they managed to migrate over to Glasgow, Scotland with a second editorial base opening in New Jersey, the US to have more access to the American readers.
It took 21 years and 99 issues before Dig completely migrated online. Unfortunately not enough people read or buy magazines anymore to warrant keeping a magazine going. Issue 99 was produced in 2014 and marked an end to the company’s regular print run. They marked this occasion with an awesome gallery installation at House of Vans.
Below you can see images of Dig’s first website design and initial magazine cover. This website design is from back in 2002. We can’t say this is their first design but it’s one of the first.
The magazine cover is from the first issue released in April of ’93. The image is of Ian Morris doing a Canadian nose pick on a Northampton halfpipe. You can see BMX photography has come a long way since then but it’s obvious Dig has always tried to get an interesting view of the best riders.
According to Smyth, the photo was a complete accident. The bike’s back wheel swung around and knocked the camera of a skateboarder standing too close to the coping of the ramp. The camera’s shutter luckily clicked when it was knocked and took this interesting photo.


These guys have the best domain name within the world of BMX. The site is a simple cycling blog that posts videos, articles and parts from some of the most popular cycling brands around.
The site is owned by the parent company, Cycling Sports Group. These guys are recognised as one of the biggest suppliers of bike parts throughout the world. You might not recognise the companies name immediately but you’ll know of some of the companies they own. GT Bikes, Mongoose and Cannondale being some of the biggest.
The company was incorporated as recently as 2009. They’ve done a good job at developing such a complete portfolio of companies in this short period.
BMX.com is obviously slightly different from the other companies and websites in CSG’s portfolio but they haven’t made a mistake in creating this website. BMX.com is one of the leading websites within BMX. A super simple website that consistently releases high-quality content from the best riders out there.
Bmxfeed Cycling Site

This site doesn’t fit in the same categories as the others on this page. I still think it needs to be included though. BMXFeed.com is a very useful website if you’re trying to find a new source of BMX content.
BMX Feed is a directory site. A large number of BMX sites are aggregated into a list and the top viewed and shared pages are shown on the homepage.
Barely any websites provide content in such a useful way like this site, they provide so many ways to consume their content. The first and most obvious is the homepage. Approximately a dozen of the top sites are listed here with their three most recent posts.
Secondly, there’s the stream page. This is a long list of the most recent posts from each site on the aggregator. The list shows everything for the previous few weeks that you might want to read. I find this very useful to catch up on the most recent news without another website parsing it with their biased opinions.
Next, there is the videos tab. There’s not much to explain here, the most recent videos from the YouTube pages included in the directory are placed here. Again sorted by time posted.
The final tab shows the directory BMXFeed is working from. They take BMX companies, Blogs, Scenes, News and Retail sites to build their list of the best content. By far the biggest category is unsurprisingly the companies category, meaning there’s probably going to be a lot of news and product releases straight from the brands on this site.
The best thing about this site most people probably don’t realise is the offsite ways to keep up with new content. BMXFeed provides a twitter page for all new links, a Vimeo channel for the best videos and an OPML file that you can import directly into your RSS reader of choice. This file will import all the sites BMXFeed trust to get their news from.
University of BMX by Gerrit Does

The University of BMX website is an original in the world of BMX websites. Gerrit Does, a very early adopter of BMX created the site as an alternative to his aspiration of writing a book on the history of European BMX.
Gerrit started as an active organiser and team manager in the 90’s before taking a step back and starting the site. In 1999 he collected all his notes, stories, videos and images from 25 years in the industry and started writing it up. Ever since then the University of BMX has been continuously updated with interesting stories and articles.
Not many people still retain or own the knowledge of the early years in BMX. While the sport is still relatively new it was a very niche interest and it took time to grow into what it is today. As General Secretary of I.BMX.F from 1981 to 1985, Gerrit is only of a very small group to own photos, videos and knowledge from the first days of BMX. This is where all his information to start the project of documenting the history of European BMX came from.
If you haven’t visited this website before it’s very well designed with an easy to use structure. It’s obvious that Gerrit hasn’t just dedicated all his focus to words. He also wants the reader to have a nice experience when learning about the history of BMX.
The history section is predominantly split into one or two-year intervals where Gerrit explains the big steps in the world BMX that year. Every piece of content is well researched and very well written. I think the aim of this site is a substitute for a book has been successful.
Anyone who would like to know more about the history of BMX in Europe should definitely take a read.
X-Games Action Sports Competition

I’m sure everyone reading this has heard of the X-Games before. A very prestigious competition often viewed as the Olympics of action sports. The games evolved from an event named ‘The Extreme Games’ in Rhode Island of 1995 into the incredible, worldwide competition it is today.
The brand hosts summer and winter games in each host city with the worlds best in dozens of action sports travelling from around the world to compete in a showcase of world-class quality.
X-Games has been the venue to witness some of the craziest world firsts throughout the years. Travis Pastrana’s double backflip or Tony Hawk’s first 900 are incredible feats that can never be forgotten.
After that description, it’s no surprise that there’s a wealth of content to be shared on their platform. The website and YouTube channel are well maintained and constantly updated with high-quality news, videos, photos, articles and history from professional rides throughout the world.
The site is mainly video, whether it’s an interview, part of an ongoing series, training or from a competition anywhere in the world. This site is great for those people who love well-made videos and don’t mind various other action sports being thrown in at the same time.
RedBull BMX Website
Red Bull has created a huge name for themselves in an insane amount of extreme sports. The world-renowned energy drink isn’t directly designed for any specific sport but the participants of these sports are their target audience.
Created back in Austria in 1987, Red Bull now holds the largest market share of any energy drink company in the world, with competitors such as Monster and Relentless. Over 6.7 Billion cans of Red Bull are sold yearly. That is a staggering amount.
The company sponsors a vast number of riders, most being the world’s best in their fields. Red Bull has created a very smart business model in this way. It will cost them a lot to sponsor the world’s best riders and most popular events but the brand value they’ve created in doing so is invaluable. What other company can charge the same price for 250ml as other companies do for over a litre?
If you’re interested in BMX or sports similar to this and you haven’t heard of Red Bull TV then you’re missing out. Red Bull TV is a website and app the company has created to showcase its vast amount of content the sponsored athletes have created. They have a live channel for each sport alongside many other videos. It’ll take a long time to get tired of all the content they have on there.
As well as the website and app a YouTube channel is also maintained, updating almost constantly. Unless you’re looking for something specific, Red Bull’s YouTube channel will be the most abundant source of videos for you to consume.
VitalBMX Forum

Vital is a great website for BMX riders. I spend a lot of time on the site, mainly reading the user-generated content.
Vital BMX, Vital MTB and Vital MX are all websites owned by the Vital Media Network. All these sites effectively showcase the same type of content although, for obvious reasons, I’m particularly recommending Vital BMX in this post.
The site showcases the full spectrum of freestyle BMX. This includes feature videos from top professionals, product guides and a lot of users generated forum content.
It’s easy to spend a lot of time on Vital BMX, discussing BMX with other avid riders throughout the world. Riders of all ages and styles visit the site and are always up for a discussion.
Brad McDonald, the CEO of Vital Media Network has had a very successful career within the world of adventure sports publishing. He had his start as a photographer before creating the huge Ride BMX and Snap magazines in the early ’90s.
These magazines were later sold to TransWorld, where Brad worked for several years. During his time there he launched TransWorld Motocross, rose high within the company and then left in 2006 to launch Vital Media Network.
I spend a lot of time on Vital BMX. The forum is well designed and filled with masses of content that is brilliantly moderated. If you’re sick of long-form sales-oriented content then head on over to the forum and have some conversations.
Reddit BMX, Reddit BMX Racing, Reddit Flatland BMX
Reddit is a wonderful place. I spend way too much time there. Unlike Facebook and Twitter, Reddit has much more intelligent and useful content.
If you don’t frequent Reddit the premise is quite simple. Existing users post content such as links, images, text and polls to the website, which can be voted on with upvotes or downvotes in the form of karma.
Each post is organized by subject into user-generated pages called subreddits. There is a subreddit for literally anything. There are dozens for the different types of BMX riding alone.
All posts originate on the subreddits they are posted to unless they garner enough upvotes to be considered one of the most popular posts currently on the site. When this occurs the Reddit front page acquires the post. The front page of Reddit is often described as the ‘front page of the internet’ and it really is.
Out of all the sites on this list, the BMX subreddits are by far the most active. Subscribing to just a few communities will keep you flush with content throughout the day.
The best thing about Reddit and other forums is the ability for community interaction. You can converse with riders from all over the world while also posting updates on your riding with the ability to reach a massive audience.
Notable Mentions
- BMXNews.com
- BMXUltra.com
- Bmxweekly.com
- Supercross BMX